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Jean-Pierre RAYNAUD


Raynaud's pots are no longer the "containers" used for growing plants but, filled with cement, they become sculptures, and their geometric structure places them in a metaphor of shelter, home, withdrawal. . Rediscovered through bright colors, resized, or presented in its seriality, the object or "psycho-object", according to Raynaud's own terms, is no longer either a functional tool or a bearer of its primary symbolism, but provokes our imaginary otherwise.


Jean-Pierre RAYNAUD

"Before, it was said that the work lasted the time of life. Now, an artistic career can be made in a few years, even if it means being destroyed afterwards because its author "no longer has the profile". Current art must be an excitement, a kind of mental report, less retinal than before. It's the project that takes over, more than what we see. However, I remain convinced that as in architecture, you need foundations solid to do something that holds up, a project that resists fashion and time."

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